About School

A small village Shirdhon in western Maharashtra with a 3500 population where most of the Shirdhonkars are either farmers or farm laborers. Shirdhon village has a ZP school which enrolls close to 200 students from 1st to 7th grade/classes. This school is in frail condition with leaky roofs and cracked walls. Every student rural or urban deserves a better education. The Shirdhon villagers along with PURE India are on a mission to replace the deteriorating ZP school building and make it an example on how to improve the quality of education in villages.

Expected Budget 90 000 00 Rs.

Current Status
20 00 000 Raised by Shirdhon Villagers
4 00 000 Borrowed from an Organization
25 00 000 (approx..) One COMPLETE floor donated by Bharat Forge (Work in Progress)
12 00 000 (approx..) by Ex. Aamdar Mr. Shashikant Shinde from his Zilha Parishad funds (not yet received)
25 00 000 (approx..)  

We STILL NEED A LOTS OF FUNDS to complete our Vidya Mandir!!!! PLEASE HELP